How and Why... 
           ...The Nitty Gritty


We aren’t a puppy mill. Although we think our dogs are beautiful, we breed for health and temperament as our highest priorities! Our dogs are mellow, submissive, eager to please and easy to train. We only breed if they pass screenings for eyes, heart, hips and elbows.

We don’t breed our dog each heat cycle have only have a liter of puppies when we are satisfied with the interest in a puppy so that we know they will all have great homes.

Our girls get regular wellness checks by the top vet in our area, plenty of exercise and high quality food - all things that increase their quality of health, uneventful pregnancies and successful deliveries.

Puppy Rearing:

Your puppy’s first eight weeks are crucial in their development and you can’t do anything about it! It is imperative you find a breeder who goes above and beyond and takes socialization and stimulation very seriously.

Our puppies are a part of our family when they are with us... they live inside our home right off our kitchen and get constant attention from adults and children all day long! We do a great deal of socialization and desensitization with the pups including introducing them to sounds like vacuum cleaners, smoke alarms, door bells, phones ringing, children yelling and laughing and a CD of noises like thunderstorms and fireworks. We live a few miles from a target range and we can hear gun shots once in a while which is also good for them to get used to if you are going to take your dog hunting.

We put each pup through a thorough Early Neurological Stimulation schedule with experiences specific to each day/week they are with us. Just a few examples of our schedule include touching their toes and exposing them to cooler temps in their early days to being handled by multiple people every day and playing outside several hours a day when they are a bit older. Mild stress at an early age is a stimulant, to both their personality and physical health. We can describe the actual schedule to you in person with details on each experience and when it happens, but the bottom line is that studies show that dogs who have been through these experiences as newborn pups are shown to be:

  1. Mellow, even tempered, emotionally balanced

  2. Highly socialized, lovable and more closely bonded with humans

  3. Better problem solvers, more eager to please their master and easier to train

  4. Less anxiety and fear

  5. More resistant to diseases, including cancer

The design of our puppy pen is a result of much research. We follow the “Misty Method” of pre-potty training and pre-crate training to make it easier for your transition. The pen has three rooms that can be opened or blocked off according to their age and time of day. They are born in the “bedroom” of the pen where there are always blankets for snuggling. They only have access to this room until they are 3.5 weeks when they are weaned, at which point we open up the doors leading to both the playroom and the potty room with papers. They learn to eat and play in the playroom with the most space to run and toys. Therefore, they instinctually go to the third room to make their mess. They naturally don’t want to mess where they sleep. We block off the play room at night giving them access to only their sleeping area and potty area. This confinement at night makes crate training a little easier when you get your pup home.

Puppy buyers are encouraged to visit as frequently as they can during their pup’s first 8 weeks in our home. During visits, you can bond with the pups, help with socialization and ask questions to prepare for bringing your new family member home.

The pups are weaned on top quality food. We believe nutrition plays a vital role in their health and development.

We aim to give you the healthiest and most social, confident, anxiety-free dog possible!